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All You Need To Know About The Maasai Mara

All You Need To Know About The Maasai Mara

Locally referred to as the Mara by the indigenous people  of Kenya, is one of the largest game reserves in East Africa. It is located in the rift valleys of Kenya which are linked with Serengeti national Game Park in Tanzania covering up a staggering 9700sqmi in total. The Masai Mara is approximately 580sq mi and named in honor of the Maasai people who were immigrantsfrom the Nile basin. The word Mara also means spotted; it was called so because when the Maasai people had just arrived, they saw the place from a far filled with spotted shrubs hence the referring to it as mara.

The Maasai Mara is truly one of the most blessed adventure safari take on of all places in the entire Africa, giving the Kenya safari visitors an extra taste of what happens when they have prepared themselves for a life time of adventure.

Filled with a diverse ecological system that is meant to give the best description of nature and its surroundings, with a huge number of floral for one to stare at, and the fauna to wonder over, the masai Mara  is entirely blessed with a multitude of earthly beasts. Lions, elephants, leopards, and above all the most eye catching millions of wildebeests give an exquisite taste of the true African safari encompassed in an all magnificent scenic views of a life time.

What you need to know about the Maasai Mara

Geographical location

Interesting places of the Maasai Mara reserve park includes extra reserves like the, the Mara triangle. It is also bordered by Serengeti park the south, the siria escapement to the west, and the Masai pastoral ranches from the north, east and west. The Talek River and the Mara river are the main sources of water.

The landscape is mainly covered in shrubs and grassland in nature with seasonal river lets. The northern part of the land, which is siria, is part of the east Africa rift valley and covers up to 3500mi long. The area also experiences biannual rains and two distinct rains happening between April and may, with some short rain pours between the months of November and December.



With over 50 tribes scattered along the lands of Kenya, personally, the Maasai people are the most interesting of all tribes that I have come about. The Maasai are a semi-nomadic, pastoral indigenous group of people who are located around most of the north and south parts of Kenya and the northern parts of Tanzania especially the Serengeti, ngorongoro and amboseri region, which are mainly concentrated game reserves and parks

Famously known for their brevity, red robes, and ever ready spears in hand, the Masai people are truly some of the amazing people to encounter. Their rich knowledge of the terrains, the total complete humor that they carry always entwined with the most welcome of gestures one can ever get from a stranger, they are sure meant to elevate the spirit of a traveler who is in search for a connection with the outside world of humble culture and an indigenous experience.

Their bravery is surely a marvel. This group of people is still considered to be one of the toughest in east Africa if not mistaken Africa as a whole.

Till to date, a boy to be considered old enough in the maasai culture is expected to kill a lion with only his bare hands and spear, and only then can one be allowed to join the meetings of men when they are carried out and as well get the right  to marry .

The Maasai Life style.

They are mainly herdsmen, that means that they rear cattle and goats as the main source of income and home consumption. To them their cattle is their wealth and source of livelihood, this makes them seem a hostile tribe and yet they cannot stop at anything to protect their cattle. The women mainly look after the children and the home while the men are busy out there grazing the cattle or looking for means of supporting their families. They also indulge themselves in the arts of craft making take for example, leather sandal which have hugely hit the east African footwear industry, bracelets, and bangle, necklaces and earrings which are all 100% natural and organic, making them some if the most engaged environmentalists of our travel world.

Intelligent tour guides

They are also the main tourist guides of the masai Mara park. This is simply because they have a diverse knowledge of the terrains and surrounding of the park hence giving the tourist a precise description of the area they are in and the type of animals to expect from within due to their long stay in the region.

Testimony “at a certain point in our east Africa safari, my family and I had driven around the Serengeti national park in pursue of lions, for hours however, we had failed to find even a single cub. After hours of fruitless driving having seen all other animals we decide to exit the park. While at the exit, we were asked by a Masai man. If we had encountered any lions? We reply with a no, no lion yet sir. He went ahead and asked us to give him only a simple pay, he collected his club, and without getting in the car he tells us to follow him. A few hundred meters we later encounter a pride of lions numbering about 17 lions feeding on a left over morsel of a buffalo. See that sir, that’s lion, now give me money I go”.

A friendly indigenous culture

Though originally known as hostile, the Masai people are some of the friendliest people with an original welcoming culture which can only be marveled at by an appreciative eye, an eye that has come to interact and get to know the different life styles of the African people. The Masai are also acting tour guides and drivers around the parks

Family die hard

They are also still among the few tribes that prefer to live together as an extended family. Such a character of living has given them the opportunity to continue thriving as a culture without disintegrating as fast as most famous tribes have gone.

They love themselves a true challenge

The Masai also love themselves good challenges which include exhibition of strength power, such challenges usually come through games like javelin throwing, wrestling and dancing. The Masai dance involves high jumping which really need one to have strong bones which is also a spot they are incredible at.

On the spot hunters.

Given either a gun or spear, an adult Masai is an exceptional hunter. With time and patience, travelers who have often come for hunting safaris have never left disappointed when put under the charge of a Masai guide, with one, you are assured to come back t camp with game.

Every person who loves to experience nature out  of the norm of the ordinary travel, I dearly encourage one to embark on a cultural experience with the masai people to come and have a wonderful time while in the masai Mara land.


Wondering what the great migration is?

The great migration is one of the most eye catching scenes of an east Africa safari. Most folks think of it to include only the wildebeest. This is no true because many other animals like zebras are also on the trek. This great migration does not only carry along with it only the grazing animals but also their predators that are as well in such of what food watching these wildebeests in search for water and greener pastures is truly one of the things you ought to do know about masai Mara

Why does it happen?

The great animal trek happens because during the months of april-october, the Serengeti has run out of water and pastures for the animals to feed on due to the rising temperature of about 13⁰c. This forces the herds to migrate to the masai mara plains which at that time are blessed with water and food for the herds to fed on.

Where and when does it happen?

The great migration happens almost all year round in the masai Mara and the Serengeti respectively however, there are peak seasons of when to catch the most alive and epic show of the migration.

The migration process

The month of April towards May which is a wet time, is one of the most interesting times to watch the migration. This is the start of the movement when the newly born calves are ready to walk the first of their many pilgrims. In these months’ as well, the predatory view is one of a kind since they are as well preparing to move along the herds. At this time the migrating herd is mainly settled in the centre of the Serengeti national park towards ngorongoro conservation area, and preparing to be on the move.

By the month of June, the rainy season has come to an end and the whole Serengeti is looking spectacular. By this time, the migrating herd has increased in number and it can take up to and half hours to cover the distance between the leading and the last herd. By this time, the migrating herds are almost getting to the Tanzania Kenyan border/ the Masai Mara plains and ready to cross the river. Also June marks the start of the Grumeti river crossing which runs to august. The rivers are also fully packed with the crocodiles which are not afraid of being trampled on by the millions of crossing herds.

August is the epic climax of the whole show. Apart from being the hottest month of the migration, it also involves the crossing of the Mara River which greatly infested with crocodiles, which to date has turned out to be the biggest challenge to crocking herds. In this month, many more wildebeests will have joined the others in search of lush vegetation and water to drink. During this month, the explorer gets a chance to witness what most people refer to as the great migration since the animals are will be crossing the foreign borders from Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya.

Home sweet home.

 In October, you get to see the return of the wildebeests to their home land in at the Serengeti national game park.

This comes after making a round turn around the Masai Mara and the back through the eastern part of Tanzania in liliondo. The park at this time has an average temperature of 15c to 28c. While here, the lions and crocodiles are still top of the predators to watch out for.

How watch an amazing wildebeest migration.

  1. Booking a well suitable safari lodge will be the best way to secure a spot for this adventure. The safari lodge must be located around the hot spots of the migration for example around the Mara River.
  2. One can also book themselves a flying safari. This gives the visitor a rare but yet extraordinary aerial view of the migration as it is taking place
  3. Lastly, you can also book a game drive safari that is customized for this particular migratory safari.

With the above three tips, one is guaranteed to watch the most memorable sights of a life time.

Do you want to have an exceptional tour travel where you get to have the experience of both the Masai and the great migration?, well, don’t miss this chance. Go ahead and book with us at as we are determined to give the best luxury tour travel of the top two masai Mara activities to die for.


The masai Mara is truly a heavily blessed piece of land. it gives he traveler all sorts of entangle emotions that last a life time when truly savored and also gives the east African safari a touch of excellence

Other activities one can engage themselves while on a masai Mara tour are summed up below.


Cruise through the diverse nature of wild animals that the masai mar has got to offer, all east Africa’s big fives are abundant in the masai Mara plains, rare animals like the bat eared fox, black backed jackal, genets, African golden wolves, honey badgers, spotted hyenas and the African wild dogs are all part of the sight menu that the masai Mara has got to offer. The likes of the lions, leopards, are a common sight durian the great migration as they never intend to miss out on such opportunities.

Elephants, 200,000 grant’s zebras, 500,000Thomas gazelles, impalas, and 1,300.000 blue wildebeests and 97,000 topi are some of the great numbers in the masai Mara


Get a chance to hope on a river ride. This boat cruise gives off an outstanding and exuberant experience of seeing animals like he hippopotamus, the great Mara river crocodiles, and a scenic view of the Masai Mara floral


The flying safari is one of a kind trip. It a chance to visitor that wants to view the whole park and the great migration in a fancier and luxurious manner; this gives them a chance to have a scenic view of the rift valley together with the animal kingdom bestowed on it. The flying safari also gives the visitor a spectacular view of the great migration leaving them wholly satisfied.


Despite of the extreme numbers of animals din he masai Mara, visitors also come to have an intimate time with over 470 species of birds, 60 species being raptors. These birds include, vultures, marabou storks, the secretary bird, long crested eagles, and the magnificent lilac-breasted roller the Kenya’s national bird

The Masai Mara is truly a gem centre for both animal and cultural experiences, accompanied with the scenic view together with the bird watching when one has come to experience the true raw nature of an east African safari feels like.

With the heavy abundance of wildlife, the cultural experiences as well as the great wildebeest migration are surely some of the best choices you can make while on a tour to the Masai Mara, one is also surely guaranteed to catch a view of any of the magnum moments the Masai Mara has got to offer. From Africa’s big five, to the birds, the rivers and the great landscape that is located within the rift valley, there could probably be less one can ask for when they have come to visit the Mara lands

for an inclusive all around custom made Maasai Mara safari adventure, please contact us at And get a chance to have an adventure worth telling stories about.

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