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A Revolutionary Game Hunting Safari in East Africa

A Revolutionary Game Hunting Safari in East Africa

There is a clear difference between hunting and poaching.For starters, poaching is the illegal killing of wildlife animals for the desire of making a profit from their body parts. For example, rhinos reached an extent of extinction because of rampant poaching activities for their horns which are very expensive on the market or elephant tusks.

On the other hand, game hunting is a legal and authorized activity by the concerned bodies of the government. Permits for hunting can be got and will allow the you to hunt down animals like the kobs impalas, and the likes of wild pigs.

Hunting while on an East African safari is totally a different feeling that elevates the moods of the visitor who is participating in it. The jungles are filled with huge numbers of animals to hunt which will help on the population reduction of the ever increasing herbivores. This gamey taste of meat has become an addiction to most of the visitors inclusive of the tactics that they get to learn while they are out there setting traps. Taking up a hunting safari must be a top pick especially for those who want to go back home feeling like champions and with a prize on their names.

the following places are the ideal pick spots while on an exclusive hunting east African safari.

in Uganda, the buffalos are the most famously hunted animals because of their huge size and great taste of meat quality.

Through the Uganda tourism board, visitors to Uganda get the opportunity to for hunting in the wild life jungles. Hunt for antelopes, big game hunting, the likes of the buffalos, kobs but to name a few. So many parks also offer hunting packages to the visitors while assigning them with the best hunting guides that one can probably find on an east African safari.

All you have to do is request for a hunting form from you desired destination, fill it in, submit, pay and go start game hunting.

For an experienced game hunting in Uganda, you can check out

  1. Ssese island is a great spot for  the sitatunga a famously hunted herbivore, east madi wildlife reserve, ajai wildlife reserve and kabwoya and in most of the areas of the karamajong region.

Spot hunting in Uganda decreased highly due to the civil wars of the 1970’s. some of the famous sport hunter to ever grace the Uganda hunting safari are people like Walter Maitland bell aka “karamojo bell” and is looked at one of Uganda’s best game hunters during his karamoja expedition as well as the like of Woodrow Wilson.

  • Kafu & aswa lolim offer a Nile bush back and Uganda kobs hunting safaris at a very affordable enjoyable manner without hindrance
  • Northern karamoja also offers a wide range of hunting spots while on a hunting safari in Uganda stretching over 12300000 acres of land in the kidepo national game park, for hunting the likes of gazelles and impalas.


Because of its huge game parks and reserves, Tanzania is the true home of the east Africa’s spot hunting. Game hunting in east Africa especially Tanzania is made so easy for tourist to go hunt making it the country that has benefited most from it netting in over 85 million US dollars per year.

After promoting lion hunting, however much they got many visitors who wanted to carry out the activity of hunting them down, the country was greatly criticized for its indulgency in passing such a law. This was mainly because. hunting of the lions would later on greatly interfere with the wildlife cycle of the country and at worst get the numbers of these kings so drastically reduced.

However much, Tanzania is truly a hunting gem in east Africa.



The reserve is located is located in the south eastern part of the country, and is one do the best hunting spots while on a hunting safari in east Africa. Its proximity to over 5 river banks makes it a very comfortable spot for one to wait on there meat as he is sure it ill draw closer to quench its thirst

Get a chance to hunt the buffalos, lions, wildebeests, bushbucks, and the delicious antelope. The vegetation of the place acts a total cover for the hunter to hold his position in till he has fired away or trapped his game comfortably and it mainly consist of miombo woodlands and the mopane bushes which also act as shade for the hunting tourists.

Lion hunting in Tanzania.

For the brave hearted, and only if you are surely brave, would we recommend yahoo to go for lion trophy hunting. This was after the passing of the lion hunting law by the wild life authorities so that they could help decrease on the number of the lions in the country that had become major obstacle not only to the tourist sector but also to the communities.

Also the desire by the authorities to increase on their touring visitors made it a single simple case to pass because they knew that it would highly boost their tourism sector.

Where to hunt lions from when on a Tanzania safari.

The lions can be hunted down in the central part of Tanzania between the regions of ruaha national park which is in conjunction with the rungwa ecosystem.

Hunting in Tanzania requires for only male lions that are above the age of 6yrs to be put down.

The safari usually takes a minimum of 5 days depending on the tactics used to bait the lion for the winning chances of putting down a lion are 60%.

Lion hunting is one of the most expensive costing between 15500 US dollars to 55000 US dollars activities of the east Africa safari but surely one the best take is one is capable of affording it.


To experience an revolutionary GAME hunting east Africa safari experience in east Africa, go ahead and contact us at

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