East Africa is one of the most iconic and sought-after safari destinations in the world,…

Top East Africa Fly-In Safari Destinations
With frequently emerging opportunities to fly around the globe and together with flight organizing agencies sprouting out daily, flying safaris have become a trending hot topic in the tourism industry. So how about flying with a purpose, a purpose to gaze at mountain tops, an aerial view of your favorite park full of life, the magnitude of flying while watching he like of the great east African migration. Well, the east Africa jungles can now be seen and drawn from above.
A great pleasure is truly gained when one puts in little extra efforts to book themselves a luxury flying safari in Africa plains of their choices and they will surely go back home with a guaranteed satisfaction of how nature fees like to be viewed from above.
With the location of east African parks far away in remote areas where ne might surely have a hard time reaching, the flying safaris are there to give you a relaxed travel to your desired destinations without getting grumpy along the way just because of constantly being positioned in an awkward manner while on a road trip. Airplanes like the caravan, Cessna 206 and the 210 will be your raving engines of to paradise.
Flying safari destinations that are guaranteed to give you extreme pleasure are,
- Serengeti national game ark in Tanzania
The Serengeti is clearly one of the top list flying safaris on an east African trip. While flying across the plains of the Serengeti, at a low altitude, the visitors will be embraced in the true sky experience of what it feels like to view hundreds of thousands of mammals from their comfort of the aircrafts. With great effort, you will have the chance to see the plains of the east African rift valley as you stretch further north to the masai mara regions of Kenya. From the Kilimanjaro international airport where you have to the opportunity to view mountain ranges of Africa’s highest mountain the Kilimanjaro for a trip of over 1-5 hrs depending on which air strip you are destined for.
A three day short flying safari will be the ideal way to take in all the natural spectacles of the country.
- Masai mara national park in Kenya.
There is no way we could writing about a flying safari without talking about the magnificent masai mara national park. For those that want to experience the best time of an east African tour, we do highly recommend you to take on the masai mara flying safari adventure. Not forget to catching the hot air balloon as well while at the park only if you do not feel like inhaling a single whiff of jet fuel. While on your flight trip, Watch the great wildebeest migration from the skies.

This amazing sight is an action filled adventure as you witness the total hassle of these beasts trying to cross the mara river. On a very good day, you get a chance to watch lions hunting for their next meal.
- Virunga volcanic mountains in Rwanda.
The virunga regions are a part of the albertine rift mountains which borders the east Africa rift valley in the west, are located in Rwanda and a home to some the world’s most exciting primates, the region is also fully parked with mountains and constant hills creating a chain link that does not seem to have an ending.
Because of this kind of geographical positioning of the virunga volcanic mountains it makes the some of the truly most remarkable and breath taking safaris of the 21st century. Right from the Kigali international airport, the traveling visitor gets the opportunity an instant view like no other of almost all the major mountains while on a Rwanda safari. the 80km stretch of these mountains is a perfect statement for the lovers of nature and tour photography. Get a chance to see the mountains like, mount nyiragongo which is the only active volcanic mountain in the region (11358ft), mount nyamuragira (10049ft),mount sabyinyo (11923ft), and finally mount karisimbi which is the highest standing at 14787ft above sea level.
- Kidepo national park in Uganda.
The kidepo national park is a park worth giving a try while on a Uganda flying safari. you are presented with the opportunity of experiencing a flourishing fauna and magnificent birds flying a long with you like as if they were escorting an entourage to their party.
It is indeed a sight to wonder over as the hills are embodied in the canopy of the trees, the valleys giving an addition touch of exquisite sight to the visitor while on a Uganda safari while flying over the kidepo valley at the park., as you watch the valley animals go about their daily business.
The Narus valley also gives a spectacular wonder to the tourist as they get o see how soggy and the and can be since its no ideal for walking into due to the boggy swamps. However, you get to see the oasis and water cooling spots for the animals that have run away from the days hits crossing all the way from the kidepo valley to the narus valley. From there, karamajongs grazing their huge herds of cattle will not miss out on the to view list. Of a kidepo valley national park.
However much a flying safari si sure costly, it is worth a while and try, happiness that can be derived from such a simple practice is one to reminisce about as the memories will always linger on their minds. Getting to see wild life from up in the air is an activity that cannot be compared to another or it gives you a full view of a wide with just a small glimpse whether intentional or not
Cycads safaris is here to give you the best opportunity at experiencing a flying safari that is even beyond the expectations of man. Book with us at info@cycadssafaris.com for more inquiries and bookings.